Stash Manicure has a couple of great posts about organizing your fabrics here: and here: I have been working on organizing my own stash and was thrilled to see some of the tips mentioned.
The huge mess My own stash has been calling out to me for some time to be sorted and put in a more easily found arrangement. I have 2 stashes in a way. I have the prewashed fabric arranged fairly nice in one cabinet and then there is the other stash....The Great Unwashed which seems to grow when I'm not looking.
I purchased some plastic bins and began sorting. One pull out drawer where these fabrics were residing actually broke under the weight when I began to look at them and I just started pulling everything out and throwing it onto my cutting table. When I saw how much was there...well, I was a little
freaked out overwhelmed to say the least!
I was too busy holding up the fallen drawer to take a picture of the before...but
here is part of the finished job with the prewashed stash in the left picture. The right picture shows part of the GU separated into projects soon to be started, and with florals separated from fabrics sorted by colorways.

Now this bit of the GU doesn't really scare me all in its is the 8 other plastic bins that now live in my bedroom closet that are a bit much! I organized my novelty fabrics and find that I still have somewhat of a hoarding with the Debbie Mumm fabrics I fell in love with in the mid 90's. And the animal fabrics. These filled up several bins...dogs, farm animals, Wild animals, cats...I think I'm forgetting some. Then there is the large bins of Christmas and the aforementioned Noah's Ark from DM.
But I made it through and feel much better because at least now I can actually see...and get to...the different colors and styles so I can USE THEM UP or share them with other unsuspecting quilters.
And one bin holds my Cherrywood fabrics for my Psalms blocks. Fortunately, I actually was able to stitch during this fabric 'war' :-)

This is Ocean Waves for Psalms 46.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall in the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Be still, and know that I am God.

This next block is for a ministry quilt for a soldier. I have been blessed to join a friendship group of quilters and this will be one of the first quilts projects that I am participating in.
We also finish blocks for whoever is hosting the monthly meeting.
Rana is hosting in September so at the last meeting, she gave us blocks to complete and bring to her house this next month. So this is for you, Rana :-)

Last but not least! Here is a link for yet another GO! giveaway. There is only about 600 entries yet I'm still hoping to be the Luckypup that wins this :-)