I like to read Jo's blog at Jo's Country Junction where she sometimes reviews products and books. The post I've linked here is about a new wool mat she tried out for someone. She liked the mat and there was a link to Amazon and even a coupon good for the next few days. As it was a pretty good deal I splurged and got one too. :-)
Years ago I had purchased a mat at PIQF that was made of the same fabric used in firemen's coats. It does have a good heat reflective character that helps the pressing on both sides of the block I'm pressing...but it also seems to stay a bit hot and burn my fingers. The fabric also slips around a bit.
Hence...as I'm sewing all these triangles onto the strippy squares,
I'm having a better time at it with my new wool mat set up next to my sewing machine.
The cats will likely love this one as much as the one on my ironing board so I will need to keep it covered up when not in use :-) Check out Jo's blog and take advantage of the coupon if your'e interested. These mats are nice for pressing. Linking to Confessions of a Fabric for Addict for Can I Get a Whoop Fridays.
In June I made this fun little quilt for my friend's birthday. It's called Star Spangled Picnic by Karen Walker at Laugh Yourself Into Stitches. Hope to make one for myself too.
And a wee bit late to the party...like 3 years!...I made this Paws Patrol quilt and pillowcase for my grand nephew, Kellen. Fun piecing with a Moda Bake Shop free pattern.
Keeping me busy now is working on the 1000 half square triangles left needed for this Emerald City quilt that I started last month in the class with Bonnie. I'm nearing the finish of this step. I feel I have really 'upped my game' with the use of her Essential Triangles ruler and with some pressing tips that I heard from Donna on Jordan Fabrics videos....mainly pressing with the grain of fabric to prevent distortion. I use a Bloc Loc ruler to trim down usually but have found that I haven't needed to with these HST's and just clip the 'dog ear' off most of the time. It has kind of amazed me.
Another event in June was to take Luke for his Rattlesnake Avoidance refresher class. Luke likes to run crazy over the ranch hills where we walk and stick his head in holes and piles of dead wood. As far as I know, he has not encountered a rattlesnake but this is an added bit of protection. In class he's rewarded for making a wide arc around the sight, sound or smell of a rattlesnake. It doesn't work necessarily for all snakes but definitely for rattlers. Ma and Pa Kennels does the training and I appreciate their knowledge and gentle ways of teaching.
I'm off to sew the HST's. I hope you have a happy summer Saturday. Linking to Confessions of a Fabric Addict. Head over to check out links of inspiration :-)
So last Friday was the day for Straits of Mackinac! The anticipation was rewarded with yet another wonderful day! A second class added only a comfort level and did not disappoint. I would love to sew in a Bonnie class for a 5 day class at Asilomar which I think is already filled up. Maybe another year... I had purchased a fat quarter bundle of Janet Clare's fabric called More Hearty Good Wishes and was looking for a Storm at Sea pattern to use for it. Fortunately, I remembered Bonnie had done something like that and oh my! It's in her new book! Well, yay and she's teaching this class when she comes for the Seven Sisters quilt show. That couldn't have gotten any better! It's amazing to see her quilts in person and to be able to check out the individual fabrics that she used.
See that fun crabby fabric? Someone in class....I think it was Lisa from Atascadero? I really wished I'd written this day down! With or without fabric, Lisa was fun to share class with. I hope I see her again at quilty meets soon. Any who...The crab fabric owner encouraged me to cut off a piece to use. I love it! Thank you!
We ended the day with laying out our collective blocks for a group picture.
Some had finished some sashing pieces and you can start to see the circle effect forming. Mine's the darkish one in the middle.
I didn't actually use much of my Janet Clare fabric in this first one but will start when I continue. My square in a square needs some work but I love that this block also has some shared pieces from my table partner, (Thank you!) Rori. Hopefully, I will see improvement as I sew on. So...I have some finishes to share but will do that in another post. I'm back to sewing on my Emerald City and hope to celebrate the 4th with my machine :-) Have a wonderful time however you spend it. Happy Independence Day! Linking to Confessions of Fabric Addict Fridays. Check out the inspiration!