The next photo will hopefully not make you seasick looking at the awkward angle but it is simply a table cloth quilt with Debbie Mumm's Noah Noel fabric. I can't even remember how long ago that I bought it but it made me feel happy to pull out something that I could quilt quickly to count as finished. It is a good thing to go shopping in one's own cupboards!
And the last picture is of Mr Mosley sitting by the table topper I made from long ago purchased Woodland Santas...also by Debbie Mumm.

This season feels better to me than past as I got an early Christmas present from my boss telling me I can go to part time in the New Year. I am thrilled...more time to recover from those 14 hours days! More energy for family and fun things! I am blessed and grateful.
Following that good news the season got even better with a visit from my friend from the north who came and walked dogs in the rain with me, baked cookies, read by the fire and even stitched some (her first quilty project!). It was an absolutely wonderful visit. Thank you Tonya!
Thank you all as well for checking in on my blogging start this year. It is kind of fun seeing my projects and notes posted 'on the screen'. I have really enjoyed seeing so many ideas and wonderful thoughts shared by other quilters through the blogging world. I pray that you all know God's Peace and Joy this season and on into the new year.