This next photo shows my first crocheted dishcloth. I use to crochet about 35 years ago and was inspired again when I saw Laura of Paws 'n Tails Quilts showing the ones she had made. It took me several attempts to jog my memory and finally went to a video tutorial to get going on the right path. It was too much fun and today stopped by a local yarn shop just to check it out....$$ later, I have gorgeous yarn and a pattern to make a hat :-) more later on that!

My hand stitching has continued. Here is the 5th block:
From Psalm 90 is Fly away
"Psalm 90 is about the fact that life on earth is short. Our opportunity to do something meaningful, to make a difference for others is here today and gone tomorrow." Carol Honderich...Psalms quilt designer
Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom Psalm 90:12

The 6th block is:
From Psalm 16 End of Day
I will praise the LORD, who counsels me: even at night my heart instructs me.