Still not much sewing going on here but lots of dog walking and yard work.
Early in the month, I did manage to get my Four Patch Strippy quilted using a design called Chocolate Feather Swirl by Kathy James.
I added a couple of darker colors to this fabric kit that I had purchased years ago as some of the choices don't quite thrill me as much as it must have then. I have lots of fabric leftover and I think I will like them better thrown into the mix of the rest of my stash to tone down this girliness :-)
It's time for the Pets on Quilts blog hop again and I'm joining in. This year I'm showing a picture of my neighbor/realtor/friend's cat adorning the quilt I made for her.
A fun quilt to make and such a handsome Maine Coon boy blessing it! I'm linking up to Lily Pad Quilting where you can visit other pets on quilts. Enjoy the parade and add your voting choices to win some fun quilty treats! P.S. I still have my sweet family of pets too. We have grown to a group of 5. Luke and Sabra
Still busy here with the new pup, Sammy. He's doing great and is quite the love. Here he is smiling at the vet visit.
And to show the amazing progress with this boy who only knew to chase cats...
sharing his bed with Marianne. So not much quilting here. I did manage to get this quilt sewn together and put on the longarm frame...
but that's as far as I've made it. Maybe a finish soon. We have enjoyed blissfully cool but sunny days here all summer. I've done lots of yard work and have enjoyed the tomato bush that the birds planted for me.
It's about 8-10 feet in diameter and is so far giving us about 10-15 little grape tomatoes every day or so.
Had I planted would prolly have never grown at all. Best left to the birds and the professionals!