Interesting name for this block. Winged four patch is for Psalm 57. "Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed." David wrote this when he was fleeing for his life from King Saul.
In the pattern I followed for this block, there were brighter colors with more contrast. But I kind of like it subdued.
I am enjoying hand piecing alot but not so much the pressing after it is completed. Fortunately, Linda Franz has provided some extra instruction for this in a DVD/CD that she produced called
Jane Austen's Writing Table Quilts. I am finally getting around to ordering it today...which I happily find on sale...so I can improve the pressing on these blocks. She was inspired to make quilts such as these as Jane use to write her wonderful books at a small twelve sided table in her dining table in Chawton. It was through Linda Franz that I discovered the fun of hand piecing...enriched by inspiration from Jane Austen's diamond shaped block quilt and from her writing as well. After I finish this Psalm's quilt, I will get back to making some diamonds.