Friday, July 6, 2018

Pictures from Seven Sisters Quilt Show

The last weekend in June is when the 7 guilds in the San Luis Obispo area present the Seven Sisters Quilt Show at the Madonna Inn Expo Center.  The weather is usually beautiful and just driving up to the site is something I enjoy as it is also a working ranch.  I was treated to sites of cows, horses and dogs.  Right where I parked, there were lovely creatures that were crazing and I got to pet one :-)  This kind of made my day happy!

I had helped hang the quilts on the day before but quilt show day is always fun as the cards have been placed identifying the quilters and reading what they had to say about the quilt.
This year I really enjoyed lots of interesting pieced borders that quilters had used as well as some wonderful and different fabrics.

Our guilds are encouraging young quilters to participate and we enjoy new quilters each year.

This was my favorite in the show.  Using a pattern by Yoko Saito, the quilter did an exquisite job choosing fabrics and doing the applique.

Another favorite.

I participated by entering my Double Wedding Ring...which in all my cleverness is exactly how I titled it  :-)

So I will see with this post if I have managed to fix the Blogger change and actually get email notice of comments.  For some time now, I have been having trouble having my sign in recognized on other blogs so that I could even leave comments.  So if you haven't heard from me on your own blog, you will know why.  I have tried work looking for just the email attached and sending a note to comment and I've even gone to YouTube to comment on the Wooly Mammoth blog.  It's a bit frustrating as connection seems to be an important part of blogging.  Blogger and Google is not making it easy for me. I hope your own challenges are getting resolved.  
Happy July y'all!


  1. Lots of pretty medallion quilts! I want to make another one soon. I've never been brave enough to enter a quilt in a show - your double wedding ring is beautiful.

    Hope you get this!

  2. It is a great site for a quilt show. It sounds like an amazing show.

  3. It was a great show again this year. Thanks for all the hard work you guy did.

  4. Some really lovely quilts!
    I am impressed with your DWR. Beautiful!
    I started one in a class many years ago. All the arcs are made and everything is cut, so why isn't it finished? :)

  5. The house quilt is my favorite. I am drawn to those type colors. A lot of work involved in making that one.

  6. Did you fix the email notifications for comments? This is so annoying. I have found a fix however comments delivered show people as ‘no replybloggers’.


Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I love receiving comments. To avoid sharing the increasing number of spam comments from Anonymous though, I am trying this moderation choice to see if it helps.