Thursday, October 10, 2019

short distraction

Sewing up the HST's into four patches this week

but I got distracted...
because I saw video by Stephanie from Quilt Addicts Anonymous on how to KonMari Your Stash. Two videos actually... here are the  YouTube links.
The first video...
and the second video
I had trouble getting these links right so if you have any problems with it, try searching YouTube for Quilts Addicts Anonymous and you should be able find them.
First, I started with my neutrals

I found  plastic boxes like she mentions in the video and some long thinner ones from Target that fit my drawers better. I was amazed it all fit.

Next I worked on my browns...from golden to dark and found it a little more challenging. 

I need to find a quilt where I can use a ton of brown!
I'm waiting for more boxes to work on other drawers. 
Not sure if I'll change anything up in these bigger cupboards

But it is kind of fun to be able to see what I actually have to work with.
I'm linking this post to Sarah's Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Emily's at Em's Scrapbag. Go check out the  beautiful progress from other quilters this week.


  1. I'm impressed. Wanna come sort mine? hehehe

    If you find a fun project for your browns let me know and I'll sew along with you. I have a ton also.

  2. I'm always interested in how folks organize their stash. I've got big pieces (1/2 yard or bigger) on shelves. Fat quarter and smaller "big" pieces are folded in box tops and on shelves. (Box tops -- think of reams of paper that are delivered to schools and offices...!) They are sorted by color. Recently I added colored gift bags to store scraps in. They look great and surprisingly I've been able to use some of the fabric out of them. And then because I really haven't totally organized my stuff I have two big baskets with just left over or uncut scraps in them. Slowly I'll get them moved or trashed or cut into smaller usable pieces. I can't join you in the brown project as I just don't have all that many! My biggest piles are fun multi colored prints: bunnies in the snow, dinosaurs, flowers.... someday they will all become quilts or pillowcases but not yet, evidently.

  3. So neat and organized! I'm sure Bonnie Hunter has a few great quilts for your browns, as you know!


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